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  • 學校的第一天 – 美味的牛角麵包
  • 芝加哥,我來了....飛機飛越密西根湖後降落前我拍下城市的相片.此後我將在此生活半年,心情複雜難以釐清.老爸大方讓我進入有名的French Pastry School(FPS)就讀,半年的學費與生活費就要花掉美金30,000,費用與在多倫多比較真是天壤之別.....希望FPS的課程內容與費用等質,飛機降下之前我不禁由衷希望著.....
  • Saturday, July 3, 2010


    180 days in Chicago & 24 weeks of French Pastry School

    180天芝加哥之旅 & 24禮拜法式烘焙學校進修

    What an amazing view of the city of Chicago. I secretly snapped a shot while our plane was circling the sky to get low enough to land. After 2-3 shots, I heard a strange, unfamiliar beeping sound and I looked up only to see a sign lid up.“Turn of all electronics” Oh crap, they were onto me for sure. lol.


    壯觀的芝加哥市景。飛機降落前旋空飛降時我有偷偷的打了個盹。差不多打了2-3個盹後,我聽到ㄧ個奇怪陌生的嗶嗶聲,仰頭無趣的看燈亮起-”所有電子產品須關機 ~廢話,事實就擺在我眼前囉~


    Today marks the first day of my 180 days in Chicago, and the begining of my 24 weeks of enrollment for the Chicago French Pastry School. Am I excited?? Yeah sure, but just not about the $30,000 USD that I will be spending over the next 6 months.




    I wish myself LUCK! =D


    祝我自己好運! =D


    Tuesday, July 6, 2010

    The first day of French Pastry School & Orgasmic Croissants.



    First day of Friday Pastry School…. And here it goes…




    One of the things I knew I’d have to get adjusted to before even attending this program was waking up early enough to attend school. And yes, I made it on time today. Thank you every much, I think I deserve some kind of treat for today's effort. =D


    我知道在開課前我須要調適的第一件事就是要起的夠早上學。很開心的我今天辦到了,真是太感動~我覺得就今天為止的努力我應該得到一些獎勵 =D


    OKAY! So the first day of school was beyond awesome. First, we had the director of operations, Franco Pacini, speaking to us about the school and their goals. I swear this guy, Mr. Pacini, is something alright. There’s just something about the way he presents himself in front of a crowd of some 70 odd students that just captures your attention to the fullest. He’s quite a witty joker combined with the personality of a motivational speaker, almost like Tony Robbins, except he isn’t as buff and is the French Pastry School version.

    OKAY!開學的第一天就充滿滿滿的驚喜。一開始,營運總監Franco Pacini跟我們介紹學校及他們的目標。我發誓,Pacini就跟ㄧ般人一樣,只是當他在70名不同背景的學生面前演講時你真的可以完全被他吸引住。他是一個講話相當饒趣並活潑的人,很像Tony Robbins,除了沒他那麼胖外他較像法式烘焙學校的另一種版本。


    I have to say, reading these master chef’s profiles on a piece of paper or online on some website is totally different from meeting them in person. They are way better than I had expected. Being in their presence and hearing them speak of their experiences, and listening to their advices on the first day of school, I already felt honored to be there. (But then again, I did pay about $22,000+ on tuitions) BUT that’s not the point!! It kind of hit me in the midst of our introductions that, sitting in front of me, or even just in the room next to us, are some of the world’s BEST master pastry chefs and world pastry champions.





    Note the key words “MASTER” and “WORLD PASTRY CHAMPS”. You dig??



    Alright, so cut to the good stuff. We were told that there were croissants baked for us at the end of the class, and that we wouldn’t find any other croissants that tasted as divine as these. Sure. I get that from almost every baker, chef and store owner I’ve been in contact with or worked for. And most of the time, they’re just alright, nothing orgasmic or firework-like. However...These croissants baked at the FPS were something else...

    好吧,說到美食來。我們被告知在課堂結束前每個人將會品嚐到牛角麵包,而這味道譬美人間美味的牛角麵包是我們在其它地方吃不到的。當然這種話我並不陌生,在我曾經工作過的或接觸的幾乎每個烘焙者或廚師或店家都耳聞過。不過呢,通常結果事實上就一般般,並沒有美味到有多美好或擦出火花的感覺。但是…. FPS(法式烘焙學校)的牛角麵包真的很不一樣………


    When I picked up the first croissant with my fingers, IT FLAKED! No jokes. It was so flaky on the outside, IT FLAKED. Picture this: It’s as delicate as freshly fallen snow, yah, try picking that up off the ground. This was a great first indication of a good croissant. As I proceeded to guide the finger delicate croissant into my mouth, I felt the outer layers of crispiness crumbling in my mouth and if I had exhaled, flakes of perfectly baked croissants would fly out like gentle snow flakes. And as I began to chew, I discovered layers and layers of soft, moist, buttery richness and right then, before I could finish my first bite, I was hit with a moment of silence.


    當我用我的手指拾起第一塊牛角時,它脆掉了!不誇張,它的表面真的很脆,說有多脆就有多脆。給你個畫面:它脆的就像是眼前正在紛紛落下的雪~ 試試看將它們從地上撿起來。這是一個出色的牛角麵包初步的良好指標。接下來我用手指將酥脆的牛角送入口中,我感覺到外層酥脆的感覺爬滿我的整個口腔,然後我一呼氣,在我還來不及咬一口前碎屑就會像雪片般被我呼出,頓時我整個啞口無言。


    “Awws shiiett...” I thought quietly to myself. By having THIS particular croissant, this wonderful, perfect, godly created piece of mastery, I knew the FPS instructors were right. And I had hated them for it. I was never going to enjoy another piece of croissant any where in the world that would come close to matching this orgasmic mouth & brain F--K. If I somehow died at a young age, *knock on wood* I hope to die with a mouthful of these croissants. Yes, I have no shame. They are just that good. Hell, I’d even make love to it...But seriously, that’s another story.

    “Awws shiiett……”
    我心裡滴咕著。這另人驚豔,如此完美特別如神才能辦的到的大作,我知道FPS學校的簡介是真有其事。不過這也是另一方面讓我討厭的,因為除非在這世界上-如有可能的話-還有能像它所能帶來另人口慾&心靈上的愉悅滿足感,否則我將無法滿足於任何其它的牛角麵包。如果,萬一,我英年早逝的話,- "應該是不會發生" - 我希望可以是含著滿嘴的牛角幸福的死去。是呀,我就是這麼大而不慚。因為她們真的就有那麼好。我甚至可以為她出軌….不過說真的那又會是另外ㄧ個故事了。





    < 我迫不及待要嚐嚐大師們的巧克力, 等著瞧吧 >




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    營業時間:週一至週五 9~18:00 (午休及遇國定假日休息)

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