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總長(含紫色握柄) 240mm  寬202mm
鏟盤平面: 前後長205mm  左右寬202mm   最大約可鏟至12吋

Lift whole cakes, cake layers, cookies, even pizza from the oven rack with ease with the Wilton Cake Lifter. No more broken cakes!

  • No more broken cakes
  • Great for moving your cake board from the turntable to cake plate
  • Lift cakes up to 12 inches easily
  • Works for right- or left-handed cooks, bakers and decorators

Fine chisel edge slides under cakes easily with no damage, meaning you can even move the cake after it's iced! Great for moving your cake board from decorating turntable to cake plate. The 8-inch surface can lift a cake up to 12 inches, perfect for all of your baking needs. For your cooking needs, scoop up chopped vegetables with this sturdy surface and pour them into your dish. Great for layering and torting (stacking) a cake. The non-slip handle is comfortable to grip and durable and suited to both left- and right-handed bakers. Decorators who make larger cakes use two, one on each side, to lift cakes with ease. Cookie bakers lay the cake lifter over fresh-from-the-oven cookies that may have puffed a bit while baking (like gingerbreads or sugar cookies); just press gently and cookies are flat, smooth, and ready to decorate. Makes removing cheesecake from a springform pan easy! This Cake Lifter is certainly not a single-use tool!


【 營業用 | 專業用 | 工作室 】客服專用信箱baking104tw@gmail.com
【 家用 | 學生 | 個人 | AO攪拌機 】客服專用信箱:baking104ao@gmail.com

營業時間:週一至週五 9~18:00 (午休及遇國定假日休息)

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