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Deluxe Gum Paste Tool Set

全組包括: 4 支雙頭細部雕飾工具, 1支剪刀, 1支花夾, 1支迷你彎型鏟刀. 是製作細部翻糖杏仁糖或紙黏土等作品不可或缺的工具.

Cut, shape and position delicate gum paste decorations and fondant details with more control using the essential tools in this 7 piece set!

4 dual-action tools feature contoured handles with pebbled detail for a sure grip. Each grip has a signature color for easy identification.

Cutting tool - Angled for easy rolling! Straight wheel cuts strips and shapes, ridged wheel imprints quilted detail on gum paste and fondant accents.

Quilling tool - Stainless steel tines wind strips of gum paste for creating dimensional loops that can be shaped into a variety of designs.

Knife/Needle tool - Stainless steel blade for fine cutting and trimming. Needle for releasing air bubbles in rolled out fondant and marking pin holes for positioning cut-outs or garlands.

Cutter brush- Rigid nylon bristles loosen gum paste from cutter edges and detail areas, keeping them clean so your next cut will be as precise as your last. Soft nylon brush removes excess gum paste or fondant around cut-out shapes.

3 classic tools sized especially for handling small gum paste pieces.

Scissors - Cut gum paste shapes and pre-made stamens. Wire cutters above handle cut thin wires for stems.

Tweezers - Wide beveled head is the ideal shape for lifting small petals and leaves.

Palette knife - Angled shape for easy lifting of large decorations.


【 營業用 | 專業用 | 工作室 】客服專用信箱baking104tw@gmail.com
【 家用 | 學生 | 個人 | AO攪拌機 】客服專用信箱:baking104ao@gmail.com

營業時間:週一至週五 9~18:00 (午休及遇國定假日休息)

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